Man and his Predestination


Now consider all this in relation to the entire community of people. Man is something the public. There is a global problem of the individual. Community of people consists of a set of specific people. There is a Global problem of mankind, and Current Problems of Humanity, acting in a particular time. Global Objectives of people living at the same time should ensure the current task of Humanity in this particular time. If we imagine that all the global problems of many people are clearly focused to achieve the Current task of mankind, then it will be a false representation. There is a movement. But the movement can take place only when there is resistance, resistance to movement. Otherwise, it is not movement, but the instantaneous movement. Therefore, a system of checks and balances. The first moment. This can be conceived as a system of Good and Evil. Good must win, but in order Good can prevail, there shall be something that will withstand Good. This is evil. Victory is possible only when there is a struggle. And to assess the Good is better on the background of the Evil. There are also carriers of evil - some Anti God Personalities. Satan, for example. And it is characteristic only of a certain system. In the Christian system there is Satan, as Anti God Personality. In the other system there is another opposition to the Good, its own Anti God Person, or something else. In the Northern Tradition, for example, there are Tours (giants), who oppose the gods. Final victory over such Personality, or elimination of the evil is impossible. Otherwise, it will stop fighting, and the Good will disappear. The movement stops. Satan, Tours, and so on, are part of the system. True virtue is not the final victory over evil, but in a constant struggle against evil. Satan frightens those who dream about the final victory, that it will be possible to stop fighting, stop motion. It is impossible to defeat Satan, and when someone believes in victory and stop fighting, stop motion, Satan will come and "pick" this one. Likewise, with Tours. They patiently wait, and if the motion stops they try to take revenge. Ragnarok. The second moment. This is much more prosaic and closer to the Earth. There are a few ideas. There may be two or more. This is true as for humanity as a whole, and for races, nations, regions of the planet Earth, countries, and so on. There is a struggle of ideas, development and motion are going. Any idea would be nothing if there is no resistance to this idea. Every idea is served by a certain number of people - from one person to millions or even hundreds of millions of people. Everything depends on the scale of ideas. Some idea can be the idea of the whole mankind at some point time - it coincides with the ongoing task of mankind at this moment. And this idea will win all the other ideas. But obviously it will be only in the midst of struggle, in the peak of action. Otherwise there will be no struggle, the Movement. Likewise, it happens on a scale of race, nation, region of the planet Earth, country, region, country, locality, family, and, ultimately, the scale of the individual. Under this system the global challenge of each individual is built. Global challenges a certain number of people are lined up in a certain system with its global objectives of the system. A certain number of systems form a kind of larger scale systems. And so on. The ultimate system is a system of God. This is one of principles. The second principle is based on time. There is a global task of cell in God (spirit of a man). This global challenge can be divided into global challenge of incarnations. Solving one after the other global challenges in each of the embodiments, a person realizes the global challenge. The third moment. If the identity is designed to create a new world religion, then formed a direct connection matrix of the action (soul) and consciousness. Such a person becomes a divine being. Lower mentality of Divine Person is focused not on earthly bindings, but the highest values (not on earth handling, and handling the divine), so after the death of this embodiment, the lower mentality of this person fits into a matrix of actions, together with the Higher mentality. Such a person very quickly (almost instantly) goes through the cleansing and merges with God. However, he does not lose such characteristics as inferior mentality, as individuality and independent thinking. Ego is saved, but we must note that this is an incredibly developed ego. This person is the Messenger of God, the Creator Being. The influence of this individual is immeasurably large. Therefore, the level of influence of such a person to human society is so high that such a person is perceived as a deity, and often communication of believers with God is through such a personality. Of course, this significantly reduces the process of communication with God, but for a person not reached in its development to the process of communication with God - this is the only way to implement this process. Anti God personality is very similar to the Divine Personality. The difference is that the Divine Personality promotes creative intention of God, and Anti God Personality struggles creative intention of God. Anti God personality creates certain environment that must be overcome. On the one hand it ensures the continuity of the Movement (otherwise it will be defeated - a hostile environment "swallows" something that has stopped movement), on the other hand, this environment acts as a kind of the point of repulsion, origin of Force. These are two sides needed hand, one system. The immediate impact of the described Personality of the physical reality is very rare. Otherwise it could damage the Movement, progress. The impact is made through the Adepts. Adept can act overtly or covertly. Action of Adept aimed specifically at the Society. The scale of the Adepts may be different - from simple drag a certain doctrine (beliefs) and of a simple priest to Hierarch of high level.

Let's consider a few Personalities. These Personalities play a role only in the process of realization.

Historic Personality. The global challenge of such a person lies in the management of many people. This person has nothing to human development. This refers to the development of society. If the Divine Person, operating with a man operates through it with the Society, here, on the contrary, historical figure, by manipulations with the Society, is operating a man. The historical identity can be frenetic Adept of certain religion, and may be not. His religion may be, for example, formal, or absent at all. However, this does not mean that such Person is distinguished from the ordinary man only by the scale of the global task. Here we must consider the notion Jegregor. This is an accumulator of certain idea forces. There is an idea. It has followers among the living people. Inspired by the idea the followers send to the battery the power of their energy, and the Historical Identity receives this energy. That's source the power of this person. Naturally, the global challenge of this person coincides with the idea of Jegregor. The Selected one came and Egregore gave him strength. The Egregore develops from the idea. There is an idea, and if this idea by God's plan may be the Idea, Historical idea (this does not mean it's current task of humanity, - it might be an idea, to confront the current task), then we can talk about the creation of the Historical Jegregor. The historical idea occupying the minds of many people fills with a huge force the Historical Jegregor, then this power is given a Historical figure. With the help of this Force Historical Personality influences a certain number of people, subjecting them to his will. It has been considered humanity as a whole. The same process occurs on a smaller scale. Continents, countries, regions, countries, and so on. As mentioned above, Historical personality can serve Historical idea confronting the Current task of Mankind, as well as Historical idea, opposed to the Current task of Mankind. Here again there is Movement within the Current task of Mankind, and there is opposition to this movement. No opposition - no movement. Therefore, handling of various historical figures ultimately is responsible for the development of Humankind. Hence we can say that the Historical figure, as well as other Individuals, is located on the other side of the Divine and Anti God. It SHOULD BE so. But sometimes, when The History Man is not powerful enough (Jegregor, which "encouraged" this personality is rather weak compared with that Person), the historical personality spirals out of control of the Jegregor, and can stand either on the side of Good or Evil. Jgregore "woke up" the power with which it can not cope.

Economic man. The global challenge of such a person - is the economy. In all its manifestations. The richness of such a person is not static. And the man himself is in constant motion. Wealth - is a process. It is clear that the size of wealth can be different. Everything depends on the scale of the person that sets the global challenge. Depending on this, this person operates at different levels of the global economy. Here the question of Property is raised. There is a very wealthy man, leading an idle life, and there is an employed person managing significant material resources. Who is rich? The first person — is wealthy. But the second - Operates the wealth. He is in motion. He is in the process. He is economic man. And the first person is just a passive custodian. In principle, this is a retrograde, which constrains Economic man. The system of checks and balances. Historical Identity derives its strength in a Jegregor. From where the Economic Personality takes his power? What Moneybags generously lavishes the Economic Personality with his gifts? The thoughts of people about material wealth, money, property form a kind of powerful Jegregor. Powerful Money "Bag". Jegregor of money, wealth and abundance. Golden Calf. Many people pray, and no many people get. Only those people can get who have relevant global task. One Person provides Movement. This is an Economic identity. A second person (rich man) acts as an environment, where the Movement is provided. Again, these persons must be on the other side of Good and Evil. But if the "awakened" passion are rather strong, a Rubicon can be crossed. Sometimes it is one and the same person - an oligarch.

Creative Personality. The historical concept or idea of certain economic need to be generated. This is done by a Creative person. General task of such a personality is to generate some ideas. This is its Global challenge. The Creative Personality is Beloved of God. God is the Creator. The Creative Personality is A projection of God - the Creator in human society. This, of course, is the creative projection. Generation of Ideas is the duty of the creative person. The charge for this - the possibility of generating Personal ideas. Personal idea is personal creativity. Generating ideas unleashes the great power. This power allows Idea to seize the minds of people, and in the future to create a Jegregor. But it should be noted that the creativity of such persons is purely within human society. The Creative personality is beyond strontium Good and Evil. If a creative person generates ideas that go beyond the human society, the creative personality is already beginning to operate with concepts of Good and Evil.

Magical Personality. The global challenge of such a personality is Magic. This is Creativity of different level. The Creative Personality generates ideas on terrestrial values (low consciousness). Magical Personality is working in terms of higher consciousness. Simply - this Magical Personality carries UNCONVENTIONAL approach to STANDARD situation. In some cases, Inferior Consciousness can not ensure the progress and development of a society. Here either a real leap forward is required, or a radical revision of thinking, consciousness of society. Naturally, all this is within the human society. And, often, such a person is very offended if he would be called a magician. He may not perceive Magic, as such, but in reality, it can be much more powerful magician than the one who announces or believes himself to be. But the real magic - is NON STANDARD approach to non STANDARD situations. This is already handling by the concepts of Good and Evil.

Considering Jegregore, we did not discuss the most important type of Jegregore - Religious Jegregor. What is this? In principle, such Egregore is not needed. There is a Divine being. It is already a mediator between God and man. And then there is also a new mediator between man and the divine being. Hence is the problem of religions. There is no longer a divine being. There is a kind of religio-socio-political education. Of course, religion loses its true purpose. By "going into politics», religion in general can become a kind of harmful factor. At the same time, there are many people who can not only "see" (understand) God (this is by definition), but also to "understand" the Divine Personality. So this mediator is necessary for them, as more developed man needs Divine being.


In the center, in Midgard is an ordinary person. He is the center of all six applications of the Force (Divine Personality, Anti God Personality, Historical Figure, Economic Personality, Magic Personality and Creative Personality). We have three axes. Axis Alfheym - Svartalfheym. Axis Yotunheym - Vanaheimr. Axis Muspelheim - Nifelheym. Coordinate system. It turns a cube. Points - Alfheym, Svartalfheym, Muspelheim, Vanaheimr, Nifelheym, Yotunheym as centers of planes, form facets the cube. This cube reflects the Society. What kind of personality presents more in the person and what less - it is defined by the coordinates of a person's identity within a cube, within the Society (The degree of closeness to Individuals at different ends of the axes are balancing each other). If a person is at the center of all shapes (Midgard) - he is happy. He is harmonious. But it is not a superior man. If a person is dramatically closer to a particular Individual, that means his Global challenge lies in the definition of Person. It may be that the Global challenge of such a person has several important tasks. And there may be two, three, or, for example, four of them. The more Important tasks, the less remarkable is the man.

There is alignment of Destiny. For example: If the coordinates of the individual are at the top of the cube, then the Destiny of man lies in terms of the Divine plane. If the coordinates of the individual are at the bottom of the cube, then the Destiny of man lies in terms of Anti God concept, ie it counteracts the Divine plan. It should be this way. But is it really so? And there is a second alignment - is the actual alignment. It determines the actual place of man. That is where the man "is" in fact. If both alignments have the same, then the person follows his Global challenge. If there is sharp discrepancy, the individual struggles against his Global challenge. A lot of people form a set of points inside the shape. This is a particular characteristic of the Society. This can be applied to the scale of all mankind and to the scale of a cell of society.

We return to the coordinate system. Let's consider not three coordinates (axis Alfheym - Svartalfheym. Yotunheym Axis - Vanaheimr. Muspelheim Axis - Nifelheym) but six co-ordinates (axis Alfheym. Svartalfheym axis. Yotunheym axis. Vanaheimr axis. Muspelheim axis. Nifelheym axis). In this case the degree of closeness to Individuals, at different axes do not balance each other. Here we get Action Figure which is a more ambitious or less ambitious. The size of the figure reflects the possibilities of man's operating. Here again we have two alignments. This is Alignment of Destiny. This is what is available for man according to his Global challenge. And here we have the actual alignment. That shows how a person actually operates - whether he uses all his capabilities, or do not use, or, conversely, exceeds his capacity.

    Runic diagnosis and correction

Oleg Shaposhnikov

Man and his Predestination

Matrix of Action
Good and Evil
Perpetual motion
Multitude of Systems
Global Objective

Copyright © 2010     Oleg Shaposhnikov        Translated by Maria Zavjalova