This theme, we begin with consideration of the mental body.

Mental body

We examined the physical body as a physical matter. We reviewed the astral body as the astral matter. We examined the etheric body, as something associated with operating of the physical body, like some light of physical body. Is there something that is the same for the second matter, the astral matter? This is absolutely true. This is the mental body. Mental body - is the light of astral matter. This is something that ensures the functioning of the astral body. Here is all the same, only more high-level. Two lives. There is life physical and astral life. Mental body builds an astral body. First there was the word. First was the idea. There is a thinking process at the level of a certain chakras. Or rather we can say at the level of all chakras.

Constantly there is a stream of thoughts. The flow runs through all the chakras. Somewhere a waterfall, but somewhere stream barely runs. But it does not matter. The main thing – it exists. So what? All these thoughts will build the astral body? Imagine the mental body, as some clouds of light, each of which wraps his astral body (just as the etheric body carefully wraps the physical body). Here it is - a clear picture. But: to build the astral body can only the mental body, which corresponds to the chakra, where the point of assembly. Others thought, so to say....

We see that the mental body is different from the etheric body so that in case of a pair of etheric body - the physical" body of energy generation and the formation of bodies takes place on all the chakras, regardless of the point of assembly, as in the case of a pair of mental body - the etheric body generation of energy occurs on all the chakras, and the formation of the astral body is only for the chakra (the astral body is formed, which corresponds to this chakra), where the point of assembly. To this difference of the astral body we shall return later. Leave until the top three chakras (and three corresponding upper mental bodies) and turn to the four lower (and the four corresponding mental bodies). Divide the cumulative mental body into two parts - the consciousness and higher consciousness. We said that the physical and energetic body gives us a certain bio robots. And the subconscious and consciousness, based on the four lower chakras - this is the management of this bio robots. The subconscious mind - it is a tactical control, and consciousness - a strategic management.

Here we must clearly distinguish between consciousness and subconsciousness. Consciousness - a representation of the physical life of the man. We think by some computer system, by some systems, detailed instructions for various operations, by some concepts. We want to raise your hand. To our thinking – it is the command. But what number of operations forms an action.... Of course, once we studied this action and rehearsed it. And the time has come when we no longer have to take care about this action. Now this is already involved in a certain system. The subconscious is the system. We want to rise up the ball. The action is more complex than simply raise your hand. And this action is the same process. The act is rehearsed and the control goes to the subconscious. Consciousness is released for other purposes. The subconscious mind is a kind of autonomous control system for our physical body. One can applaud the nature, and forget about the subconscious. But it was considered only one function of the subconscious. But there is another function - no less important. The subconscious mind is a bridge between the matrix of the (soul) and consciousness. The matrix controls person through the subconscious. Control mechanism in diverse ways (here and direct commands to be executed and the whole program is laid in the subconscious, the block of one or other organs, and so much more), but its essence is simple. Carrot and stick. Better yet no one thought. Is it possible to consider the subconscious? The fact is that this system is embedded in the human brain. This is not subtle body because no one should see and understand the ultimate goal of the matrix. Consciousness - this is human activity. This is his life and this is his creativity.

Let’s return to the formation of astral bodies. Here comes a very interesting question. Formation of a specific astral body occurs only when the point of assembly is consistent with this astral body chakra. Why not create an astral body as formed, for example, the etheric body? In this case the energy would be expended more efficiently. There is a thought, then goes the formation of the mental body, and then, as the response, goes the formation of the astral body. And so it goes for all the chakras. The principle is not to expend energy in vain. But the point is that living a physical life, we are building a new life (astral life), life after physical death, and build a body that is suitable for this life. And for this you need to see what you're doing. The assembly point should be located where there is a work. Let us imagine that we are assembling a certain device. We have a drawing of this device with the name and number of parts. We have studied the drawing and went to the warehouse where we have to take all the necessary details for our device. All details are packed in identical boxes. On each box is written the name and part number. In addition to details that we need, in stock there is enormous number of other details. And all these parts are packaged in identical boxes. We arrive to our warehouse, looking for what we need; we put the details on a cart and go to assemble the device. But when we chose the boxes and put them on a cart, we saw what we take - the names and part numbers are written. Now, imagine that it is complete darkness in the stock and it absolutely impossible to see the information. What can we do? Shall we take anything what happened to be within reach? Interestingly, what we can gather in such a case.... Or what are we going to do? Shall we take out half of the warehouse? Where will we place extra parts? Likewise is here. The point of assembly is in a specific chakra. Consciousness is configured for a particular way of thinking. There is a generation of energy of required frequency and the formation of the certain mental body is going. According to these ideas, this way of thinking, and the structure of our consciousness we can establish a definite astral body. There is a generation of appropriate energy for the formation of the astral body. The astral body is being formed.

Here is another example. Consider the thoughts of man. There is his boss, who has his very sexy secretary, and there is a beloved man. Man (man in this case) thinks about this secretary (sexual desire) and about his favorite (the feeling of love). These thoughts may occur alternately. No, tell someone if a person is in love, why he would think about the secretary. He will think about his beloved. No one is arguing with that. But now he is sitting in the waiting room of his boss, and before him goes secretary in short skirt and with a very deep neckline. And she did not just walk, but a little flirting with him. Thoughts of his beloved exist. Specifically there are. Thoughts about the secretary, of course, exist too. Thus, we can assume the formation of the astral body of the Anahata Chakra and the formation of the astral body of the Svadhishthana-chakra. Heart chakra and sexual chakra. Coming back to our man, excited by the sexy secretary. His point of assembly is in his Svadhishthana-chakra. This is obvious. Thoughts corresponding Svadhishthana-chakra also exist. And the astral body, corresponding Svadhisthana-chakra formed. All is natural. He is here and now, he is in the realm of the flesh, without sincere love and affection. And he is totally immersed in it. He is specifically here. And he builds what he sees and imagines. Now we shall stipulate a very interesting point. It is obvious that he is not close to his beloved, he thinks about her, but he thinks not about the virtues of love, but he thinks that he should not be so responsive to the secretary. He is not free, he has a beloved one, and he does not want to be unfaithful. There is a definite struggle, a struggle with temptation. There is a temptation, it is reflected in its corresponding astral body and a struggle with him, and there is the formation of his attitude to this temptation. And this is also reflected in the same astral body. It forms itself at a certain level. All is clear. The secretary strongly excites him, but he "kept himself in hand" and not succumbing to her flirting with him. And the essence, this essence is reflected in his astral body during the formation of this body. Normal, natural attitude toward sex is formed. There is a sexual interest, but this interest is under control. But if at the same instant will be formed and other astral body, the body, corresponding to Anahata Chakra, the fact that there is formed? Something that corresponds to his beloved will be formed. But this match is somewhat strange. Instead of true love, there will be a female which is a kind of support when a certain situation. Tool. Or even profit. Or maybe it will be a brake, as a certain restriction of ecstasy. And maybe even some hindrance! After all, if it were not for her.... Here there is something different, some wretched sort of body.

Again I’d like to remind you the words of Osho:

"When you fall in love with a woman, and there is some truth - if you fall in love quite unconsciously, if you did not" organized "if you have not tuned if you have not thought about it. Suddenly you see a woman, you look in her eyes, she looks into yours, and something clicks. You do not think so, you just obsessed with it, you just plunge into it. This has nothing to do with you. Your ego is not involved, at least in the beginning, when love is even more powerful. At the moment, the truth exists, but no explanation. Therefore, love remains indefinite. Soon comes the mind begins to operate all, takes hold of you, you start to think about the girl as your girl- friend, you start thinking about how to get married, you start to think about the woman as your wife. And then things: friend, wife - this is the thing. There is no more truth, it stepped back. Now things have become more important. “

Of course, if a person sits and thinks about his beloved as Osho says, comparing this process with the truth, his point of assembly is in the Anahata-chakra and is the process of forming a true astral body of the Anahata-chakra. It is precisely here, in this true love, it builds itself at this position to form the corresponding astral body corresponding worldview. And if the astral body is formed when he looked at the charms of the secretary, and was full of lust, then that would be formed? Now forget about the secretary and return to his beloved. Now she is in front of him. Actually and in thoughts. It is not so important. But she is "close". And now imagine that another astral body corresponding Svadhishthana-chakra is forming now. What is formed there? There will be something where there will be a certain desire and a certain attitude towards sexual matters. It is pure love, where the call of the heart drowns out the call of the flesh. And where should be "1", there is "written" "0". The man under the condition of "cardiac euphoria" may simply reject sex as something that disrupts euphoria. Suppose, passed by the secretary and distracted us from the heart of euphoria. By her sexuality. And there is a command - to prohibit. And the information is sent: this is bad shall be excluded. This is a natural process. The euphoria at the Anahata chakra is above the euphoria at the Svadhishthana-chakra. Chakra is higher. It is very simple. And that person can react to sex not adequately. He may even deny it. Naturally, this should not happen, and, naturally, does not occur. Where we are (where our point of assembly) and there is a construction (building) the astral body.

Now comes a very important moment for the physical life. We return to the previous paragraph. The man, accustomed to think, can ask the following question: What if the astral body corresponding Svadhishthana-chakra would be formed on the non-right principles, then, as if this has affected not then (in the astral life), but now in physical life? Suppose a man would avoid sex, avoid sexual activity, seeking only the heart euphoria. The fact is that sexual relations weaken this euphoria, and these relationships dismiss. It is absolutely true. It would have been. In the astral body, corresponding Svadhishthana-chakra would be recorded negative attitude toward sex. But then it turns out an interesting thing. We talked about the fact that we form the astral body for the next, astral life. And it turns out that we are in the life of physical encounter with his influence. Yes. It is. That is why we all so carefully and thoroughly explain! In fact, we are confronted with the fact that we are laying some kind of program. This can be a global program, it may be some private programs (applied only to certain processes).

We talked about consciousness, as the mechanism of control. There are mental bodies of the four lower chakras. There is a thinking process. There was a time when man was in the heart of euphoria. But it can not continue for ever. This process ends. It is understandable that people will look for an opportunity to again experience the euphoria, but now it is not. So goes the usual attitude to the same secretary. And she is here. Here she is. And the point of assembly is Svadhishthana-chakra. And there should be corresponding thoughts. But here starts something unusual. There is a certain law. With regard to the physical body (as well as etheric body) - consciousness determines being. Our mindset determines our development and future life of the physical body. But. In respect of the astral body - being determines consciousness. What is formed in the corresponding astral body that will determine the way of thinking in the appropriate mental body? Here it is - programming. And the astral body then serves as a guardian of the program. But it is ONLY keeper. Astral body only provides a record of the program. For the program - it is not human development. This must be clearly imagined. With the development of human astral body has the primary function. Man builds his astral body astral plane for its second life. Program or a stuffy scenario is a temporary feature. There is some purpose in life and it should achieve. And to make it easier to achieve there exist the programming. This is something similar to the work of the subconscious. Only on the broader level. Or is the process of influence of a past life. But we said that the mental body is more of a priority in relation to the astral body, and it is part of the total of the mental body (higher consciousness) enters into the soul (matrix of), enriching it with his knowledge. But this is higher consciousness. Higher Consciousness, so to write. And we have, firstly, it is an ordinary mind, and secondly, the case in the following. Man creates in the astral body his experience, his attitude. And on the basis of this attitude appears appropriate thinking. If I may say so, a certain kind of language and culture is formed. The thought process can go much further than this culture, and will develop this language. Yeah. However, it is based on this culture, and in that language.

And we see a man with a very large "spread" of values. There, true love and desire of sex, and so much more.... In fact, for each of the astral body there seems to be is its own its own person. This is absolutely true. There are seven people. Why? Because the matrix of the (soul) through the subconscious mind can manage this man, switching from one to another. Thus, there is a "moving" of a person through physical life in order to accomplish its global objectives, as well as further training to physical death and further astral life. Here we are faced with the programming, which produces a matrix of the (soul). A script is created to perform the Global Challenges. It seems all very simple. A soul can clearly program life script and that’s all. No problems with the implementation by the man of the Global Challenges. But we have considered only the aspect of the Global Challenges. But there are aspects of Creativity. Here, all too clearly fit into a certain system. First, at the beginning is the period of knowledge, understanding of creativity and the formation of the creative process. There is a gradual development with a concentration of creative processes of a chakra (a progressive shift in this process point of assembly with the lower chakras to the top). Secondly, there is the interaction of the mental and astral body. Mental body on the basis of some creative thinking enables the formation of the astral body, which in turn is the basis for further creative thinking, which further creates an astral body. Here it is the process of the Movement. And if the person is totally and exclusively programmed only to perform its global task, then he drops out of the creative process. Therefore, such a "hard" programming is not possible. But this is - in general, and as a whole. But in certain rare cases such programming can exist. For example, a person may have a unique global challenge and a certain mission.

Religion and world trends

This is the second level of construction of the existing reality; this is the second level of development. The first level - it is God, God's Creation and development through creativity of God. But this is a strategic level on a global scale. But if we take a global scale there is the obvious need for the tactical level. Religions and other global trends provide this level. The effectiveness of the programming here is sharply reduced, but the scale is increasing.


Here is the environment in which a man operates. And here is the house that Jack built.... With its laws, morals, concepts, rituals. And with all its levels. From the level of humanity to the level of society. Here there is programming too. But the absolute programming is also impossible. Otherwise, people do not "raise itself" over societies and will not develop it, and most importantly - would lose their individuality. The effectiveness of the programming of society even less, but this is a large-scale programming.


As we see, it is a process, ongoing process, the process of programming, but this process is harmonious. But the harmonious nature of the process exists only in general terms. But this does not mean that, for certain specific person, for one particular person is always in harmony. For example, on someone society in the form of a consumer society gives a positive impact, and on someone completely negative. At some stage is "record" of a certain program, a certain scenario. A period ends - recording a new program is going, and the old program is erased. And it is at all levels and in all areas.

Now, imagine that there is a certain program, which was once written, but after a certain time, has not faded, but remained in the record and is not erased by no means. It is not need any more, and not only unnecessary, but is extremely harmful and retarding human development. But.... Or, as mentioned above for this particular person it is extremely harmful programming. This may be a system failure. Mental man is "got used" to this program and does not give her wash. That's what it was. This may be an element of self-programming. A man once "built" himself and pulled himself out of the swamp by his ears. Yes, very good, excellent achievement. And even the need to develop further, but others grow, and in another quality. But the ego does not want to part with their offspring. It interferes, but.... This can be a "stopper" mentality. Everything - the mentality has reached its level of development and is based on a certain program, as a kind of support. Therefore, this harmful program should be identified and destroyed (erased). But you have to find out the reasons - why did the crash.

But it may be another factor. So far we have not talked about it. Prior to that, we talked only about the person and its development. We excluded the possible impact on him of a certain other person. Here we see the opportunity. There is a purposeful influence of a certain person (a specialist in hypnosis, to various types of programming, magician, sorcerer, or just a person possessing the above skills) to their victims - some other person. The purpose - to lay in it a kind of program under which the victim will implement a process, a certain scenario. This may be the use of the victim (zombies of different levels and types), and perhaps elimination of the victim (of various types of malicious programming - damage). We use the rune method, using Runic test or Runågraf. (Runic Diagnosis).

Here we also need to assess the need for this program. Maybe some program is, but so far it is for a person by some "crutches". Therefore, people must first "put on his feet, and then remove the" crutches ". And here it is very important to first hold Rune Correction.

    Runic diagnosis and correction

Oleg Shaposhnikov



Aura essences and spirits



Etheric essences

Copyright © 2011     Oleg Shaposhnikov        Translated by Maria Zavjalova