
Proper Engram
Influence of past life
Organic Engram (organic damage)

For the first time this system was the most accurate and detailed, in the book of L.Puchko , "Dowsing for all.”

By L.Puchko all Engram are divided into four types. This karmic Engram, Engram prenatal (fetal) period, Engram of infancy and adolescence, and Engram which have appeared throughout life. The definition applies to any type of engram, by means of a pendulum.

In the course of long practice, I came to the conclusion that there is a correct and optimal classification Engram. Therefore, we will consider the classification by L.Puchko and simultaneously consider my classification.

Karmic Engram . This is not about the events in this life. It is about the tragic events in the past incarnation, in the past life.

In other works I have already said that the so-called "karma" does not exist. This is just a philosophical concept. So I do not use the term "karma Engram," but use the term - effect of past lives. I highlighted it in a separate class of Engram.

Engram prenatal (fetal) period

These Engrams are caused by the conditions of the fetus during pregnancy of the mother. In fact the embryo is already being implemented to record all his own sensations, feelings of his mother and the background to accompany these feelings. Toxicosis during pregnancy, the scandals in the family, physical actions on pregnant women, the harsh words, painful sensations in the moment of birth - all this creates negative stressful situations and is the basis of engram data bank in the unconscious man.

Engram of infancy and adolescence

These lesions are associated with the fact that the little man is already in conflict with the surrounding reality, and this could lead to his various psychological traumas that form the basis of his / her complexes, leading to various psychological and psychosomatic diseases.

Engram, arising during the life

This is about the events in this life. .

During practice, I came to the conclusion that more optimal split Engrams to fetal and infant period, Engram of child, adolescent and youth period and Engram of adulthood.

Engram fetal and infant period

This period is characterized by the fact that a man already exists, but he has no ego. This person is not able to operate independently. He is either in the mother’s womb or totally dependent on her. Naturally, parents, and especially the mother fully assume the impact of the environment, but some events "pierce" through the armor and through parents affect the child (fetus). The details are well described by L.Puchko.

Engram of child, adolescent and teenage period

It has its own specificity, poorly described by L.Puchko. That little man comes into conflict with the surrounding reality more dangerous in the prenatal and neonatal period. There is more conflict with society. The child, then a teenager, and even more so, a young man or woman come to different stages of social life here and real drama is played.

Engram adulthood

Here a man faces with negative or even tragic events in adult life.

As my practice, I saw a seemingly paradoxical (but in fact no paradox there) examples. The most important is the fact of Engram existance. This is obvious. And very important is the type of Engram - Engram as the influence of past life, or it engram already received in this life. But when in this life a person has received Engram - this is not important. He needs to know that he has this subclass Engram. And he needs to know how this engram influences on him. In fact, he is wearing a mask. No man but a man as the bearer of a certain mask. That’s why this work is named "Mask". And time and details of getting Engram are interesting only for specialists. In my method of working with Engram these details are not needed, so it makes no sense to "boot" Customer with superfluous detail. So I singled out a class "engram". And in this class identified three subclasses: "Influence of a past life (by L.Puchko - this is the karmic Engram)," Engram "(actually Engram, it's all the rest Engrams in L.Puchko’ classification) and Organic Engram (There is no such subdivision in Puchko’s classification).


Now we consider the unconscious man. Some assign the unconscious, the hidden "I", the role of the servant of consciousness, dependent role. This is not so. The subconscious mind does not obey the mind. It cooperates with him. The subconscious mind controls the processes that can be performed without the participation of consciousness. This process, or driven to automatism by an individual, or are products of evolution. Suppose there is a repetitive process. Consciousness "mastering" process and "transmit" the management of this subconscious. Thus, consciousness is "discharged" for other processes. If there is some change in terms of process, or failure in the process, the consciousness again "connected" to the process. Again, is "development" has undergone a process, with subsequent transfer of the management of the subconscious. The above example - is only a fraction of the interaction of consciousness and sub consciousness.

Now we are interested in the following interaction. The fact is that the subconscious is a very important function. The subconscious stores the material, potentially threatening to "drown" consciousness. Let me explain. There is a definite problem. If a person copes with it, his ego triumphs. Success. Consciousness is flattered and on the basis of experience develops further. Consciousness is able to build a logical chain and matching the incredible complexity and be able to penetrate into the essence of the logical problem, successfully solved it. And what if people did not cope with the problem? Then the consciousness of "make out" all screw up and find out the reasons for defeat. And what if the cause is not the problem itself? If there are involved other reasons that consciousness does not perceive and can not perceive. Then the mind will be in vain "fight" over the problem and then consciousness is a real risk. Consciousness is at serious "accident". There is a second time. Ego does not know how to play. Consciousness can find the cause of destruction and the people "start" the process again. Ego has a result of winning. The ego has made it. It did not happen - again search for a solution and a new attempt to start the process. And so on indefinitely. Ego can not loose. It simply was not created for this purpose. Ego is the car moving forward only. Ego is this movement. Consciousness, movable ego is a great logician, but a bad fighter. A warrior can not cope with the logical problems which consciousness solves. But the warrior knows how to play, and logic, consciousness, - does not. Even if the consciousness and will defeat the fact, then the ego will do the wrong lessons from this defeat and move forward in the future will be difficult. Once again, we are talking about the defeat, the nature and causes of which consciousness does not perceive and can not understand.

What to do? Forget. Forget everything and move on. This is the only way out. But " to erase" information about the above process is impossible. Poor process was the experience on which should take place "learning." And what if the experience has not yet learned and training has not taken place? This means that consciousness is not ready to assimilate the experience and undergo training. Therefore, this information must be stored somewhere. The "keeper" of information should be a warrior and be able to play. This is subconscious. At the slightest possibility of a repetition of the harmful process of the subconscious "is" a signal of bad experience and the experience itself emerges in the memory. Experience may not emerge in the memory, if memories can be critical. Simply "is" a signal. That's what I say below. Man takes steps to prevent the recurrence of harmful process, without analyzing the process itself, because it is not yet ready for this, or the analysis will be very dangerous for the mind. Measures are taken and the process again "forgotten".

But the negative process can be very, very painful. For example, it was not just a mistake, but some very serious mistake, which led to the tragedy of life. If this process is fully again pops up in memory (such as pop up some experience, as mentioned above), then consciousness would be a long time "knocked" out of a rut, and will again and again to experience a terrible experience. Therefore, such a process is blocked in the subconscious. A terrible experience never surfaced in the memory. In this case, the subconscious gives unspecific signal of danger to keep people from repeating the process. If risk is ignored, then a stronger signal is served, and so on, until one stops. Naturally, these signals do not carry specific information about the nature of risk. The man stopped not because he knew that the danger lies in wait for him, but because the danger signals make it unable to proceed. Until the real disease happens. Everything works well.

We are now talking about the negative process, as some large event, memories of which can be isolated. But it could be a process, as a succession of individual, small events that can not be blocked. These individual events alone do not constitute a threat to consciousness. Each event is minor, and each event is closely linked with many other events. And these other events did not block, - otherwise chaos will prevail in the form of serious failures in the memory. In this case, blocked associative connection between the terrible result of a process and each of the large number of small events, of which lies this negative process. Man "has access" to each past event, but "does not understand" that these events constitute a chain of events of a certain tragedy. Suppose a man was abused in childhood. It was possible to block terrible memories and the person can remember everything only under hypnosis. And if the violence was a once in a smaller scale, but done in a long time? What an event filled the "limit of stability" and there was a "failure", a mental disorder, which served as a terrible outcome. The man in this case, remembers all the events, but does not tie them all together. He does not remember associative links terrible outcome. If you link all the events together, the horrors of mental illness for a long time back "function to cut the man out of a rut." But the subconscious mind is constantly monitoring the situation to prevent the recurrence of events.

Thus, violence is a small property, but a long time. It is a sort of ball of minor adverse events. Lots of negative insignificant events, but every event is an anchor. When such an event in the subsequent reality subconscious issues warning signal. Man, naturally, does not understand, so that he receives this signal. He ignores the signal. But we already know that the signal will be repeated for as long as people do not stop. And as minor events were many and such persistent signals will also be very much.

Above we have considered the positive role of the subconscious. It saves man, rescues his mind from the memories of disastrous, "taking on its shoulders all the subsequent work. But back to the last example. Now imagine that a person of his or her work "is" in a period certain of events. And in this band of events there is a significant number of events, each of which is the anchor. Consciousness is "bombarded" by the persistence of signals from the subconscious. Exit is from the above bands events people can not. This is the situation. Imagine what happens? The man begins to live in total awful, but can understand nothing. The same will be the effect if the band is one of the events, but extremely strong anchor of the unit, but extremely tragic event. This process is called engram.

It would seem that people should "leave" this area of events due to the fact that for him it is not favorable. But the fact is that the tragic process was tragic in a certain period. Now the man is not in danger. Then why engram remains? It would be optimal when conditions change to switch off the Engram, to release a person of her influence.

But the fact is that every event, happy or tragic is the essence of "training" of human learning, which carried higher self (soul). What drew people from the event? If the roots causes of the tragic events have been learned, a man made any definite conclusions, the engram "erased". If not, then it will "sit" in the subconscious until, until the real causes of the harmful, negative process, or even awareness of the tragedy will not be man himself. Thus, a person must not "go" from a certain area of events, and "investigate" the causes of negative events or even tragedy, to understand them, and then engram will disappear.

But there may be some problem. The existence of Engram is necessary. Man has not yet been trained. But his mind can not grasp that you want to understand. He could not do it earlier, not now and not be able to do later. This negative experience or a tragedy since it does not recur. For example, a certain man has changed the race of their activities or lifestyle. Or, for example, a female previously have been subjected to violence when trying to establish a serious relationship with an unknown man. She is now married and no longer intends to get acquainted (she did not have strong desire for this before as well, but wanted so much to get married ....). Therefore, as we see negative trends will not recur. But learning does not take place. None of them did so and did not understand. And they are unable to understand in future. Therefore, to "keep" the Engram is meaningless. Besides, this has already caused Engram (formed) in man certain consequence of their exposure. For example, people no longer perceive themselves as a person capable of success, or "left" in anguish and grief. But the soul can not "erase" the Engram, because there is some law which it can not violate. There is a deadlock. Nobody needs engram "sit" and gives "signals" by torturing people. Therefore this Engram should be eliminated. Here the question arises. And what if we will erase the appropriate Engram? It will not happen. The soul does not allow. The client simply does not come to the master, which will erase Engram. The customer will turn up the leg, for example.... Or something else will happen.... Brick on the head will fall, in extreme cases.

Now consider the methods of Engram elimination.

Method of Dianetics. The method is based on the conscious activity of man. Under the guidance of trained instructors people "remember" and experience an ancient tragedy. And then he understands how and why signals which he constantly receives are coming. Now he knows and understands everything and can control their condition. But the patient must go through the full range of symptoms. The method is very time-consuming, lengthy and requires some courage from the patient and his good health.

Eriksson hypnosis. This so-called "recycling". All procedures are carried out in a state of hypnosis. Determined Engram (anchor)is erased, opening up the subconscious causes of the tragedy for their subsequent neutralization. This is a more promising method. But it takes a very strong, experienced hypnotist. The method is also labor intensive. And the state of health of the patient must also be on the level.

The shamanic journey. The patient is introduced into a trance and the shaman "shows" him everything- the tragedy and its reasons. Very high requirements for the qualification of the shaman needed. It is extremely time-consuming method. And the patient must have very good health. After all, the patient must again go through all the tragic events. This means to experience, and not just remember. And it takes much more courage and health.

We use the rune method, using Runic test or Runågraf. (Runic Diagnosis).

The Influence of past lives

I have this kind of lesion deduced from the classification of "engram". The fact is that there is no effect on humans through the subconscious, but through his astral body. Explain this by example. An example is extremely tragic, but it illustrates the system well. A man in a past life had committed suicide. He did not fulfill his global mission and "escaped" from the earthly life in the astral life. But the Global Task must be performed. Suppose that this problem was serious enough that this problem is dealt with not only him personally, but many other processes in the world. Therefore, this global challenge was to be executed without delay. Once on the astral plane (on the sixth astral sub-plane), one clearly sees that he still anywhere from carrying out its Global challenges can not be escaped. There is only one - moving into a certain person and through his physical body to fulfill its global mission. But moving into somebody adequate to the man whom our "hero" was in his earthly life is impossible. Such a man has a global challenge, and his soul simply will not allow this . But moving into a kind of degraded person to raise it to its own level, and using it (this person) of the physical body to carry out its global mission and to help this person with the implementation of its Global Challenges – this is possible As we can see, this example illustrates the fact and the emergence of "arbitration manager. Return to our "hero". He did not want to do it in one version - it will have to do it in another version, more difficult and complex. Problem becomes more complicated. But, if our "hero" copes with it, then doing it, he "leaves" on to the conveyor. In future his previous life problems will not affect him.

And if not? What if our "hero" once again failed? Then his alternate appears on the stage. Each person having more or less serious global challenge, there is an alternate. For the time being this alternate is "asleep". But if the "core" person can not meet this global challenge, the alternate begins its implementation. If we return to our example, in the latter scenario, the implementation of the global problem rests with the alternate, and our "hero" takes on the conveyor. And in the next life he will have to perform an adequate global challenge. It will develop in certain other circumstances, in a different environment, different pace, and so on. Everything will be provided so that he did not repeat the old tragedy. Ie he will be in more optimal conditions, so to say. But the conditions will be more stringent. For example, he will be given fewer opportunities for creativity. He will have much more to learn and work, is in less freedom, and so on and so forth.

Now, suppose a man has done everything to fulfill its global mission. He did not run away, did not committed suicide. He “died” in battle. He did not defeat. But in this case - a man escaped. And this is not necessary here that we can not talk about suicide. He could, for example, to commit a crime to leave a certain environment, not to do something. All he is now a criminal and he can not fulfill its global mission. It can specifically disrupt their health, become drug addicts, alcoholics, and so on. He "ran away"! It is clear that suicide here most crucial way. For as long as man is alive, can find some events (perhaps even the most fantastic) and all back to square one. And if you commit suicide.... This is why religion as a negative attitude towards suicide. And there must be retribution - in the next life "do not reduce the bar”. All over again, and perhaps even more, and more difficult.

And most important - the fact of a certain process or the tragedy of negative past life (in our case, the fact of suicide, in another way of "escape") will be reflected in his astral body. And it will reflect a significant influence on his consciousness. Here it is - MASK! The mental body is built (forms) of his astral body, but also formed an astral body affects his consciousness. More information about this topic is in the “Program” part. Thoughts of a person correspond to the astral body that he has. And in order to "transform" the human mind we need to "transform” his astral body.

And as you can guess, the influence of past life will constantly remind people about the negative event (tragedy) in his past life: Do not relax! And do not only reminiscent, but also actively interfere in the work of his consciousness. In fact what is happening is that: In fact, in the astral body of the current incarnation reflects the astral image of the previous incarnation. The past life problem is reflected here. Could not have done something in a past life - do it in this (by actively developing, which will be rebuilt astral body) for its past incarnation, and still do something similar for its embodiment (but explicitly, in the current reality).

But the situation may arise when this mechanism is not effective. We have already examined the situation, when we talked about Engram. In principle, the influence of past lives is also engram. Why do we consider the influence of past lives in this topic? There is a class - "engram. And there are subclasses, or species. Divisions: "The influence of past lives," Engram "and" Organic Engram. The class determines the type of human exposure, and a subclass defines a method effect. "The influence of past lives is the impact, influence over the astral body.”Engram" - through the subconscious. "Organic engram" - through the physical body (there are diseases of the physical body). In this case, we "see" its former incarnation. But nothing has changed. ... He again repeats past life. The system was not effective. Butterfly "flies" to the fire .... Why? Because he was again unable to fulfill his global mission. And the "reminder" in his astral body on the problem in a past life, a reminder that should avoid the old mistakes, on the contrary, shows him to have "well-trodden path. All repeated.

And here the need to use Runic correction. The global challenge of man. Say this: Someone has to do with the life-and-then. It is - The global challenge? No. Only Consciousness can judge so. Even not Consciousness, the consciousness of the lower level, operating in the physical world. At the higher spheres there are no such concepts. Global challenge the possession by that person (the specific embodiment of the person) of certain properties. Then this particular embodiment is suitable for the implementation of certain functions in a certain system. In case of some qualities are missing - a man can not find himself in his system. He "goes" to another system, where it can find application for qualities. Or takes some different role in his system. But in any case, he is "not in place." In case there is a need in such a person (as some temporary factor) - a man acts and works. For example, there was some deficiency in such a man. The deficit is over, there was some other person (native to the system which is alien to the first man), the man who should bear this feature to the system - the first man has to "escape", "free space". And his own system is waiting for him. His global challenge no one has repealed. Maybe there, in his own system, someone has to "replace" him. In the end - the eternal wandering. Therefore, one must possess those qualities, qualities that are laid, according to a global challenge. Then person will take its own place in his system. And will be happy. Ok. But how to describe these quality? And here runes come to the aid. Runes – is a global concept, the real and understandable to the higher spheres. It's like a kind of coordinate system. 24 runes - 24 coordinates. And those 24 runes you can describe a person, in terms of its properties, its qualities. Thus, the Global Task of a man - is necessary to have a complement of 24 properties. In other words, a person must possess the qualities of each of the 24 runes. Some runes in it should be with such a specific gravity (no less), but this - with such and such. In fact, this is person's name in this incarnation. And it must conform to its name with the right qualities. Naturally, it is unlikely that a person in reality will be clearly consistent with its name. In reality, he has again 24 properties, fits in the 24 position. What he has, appropriately called a nickname. So, we have name and nickname. What he should have, and what he has. Comparing the name and nickname, we set a deficit of some properties, the lack of a rune. This deficit hinders human development, does not allow him to embark on the implementation of the Global Challenges. And, by eliminating the deficit by means of runic impact (Runic Correction), we fix the deficit and help people get the properties it needs to fulfill its global mission. But at the same time, a person should not remain a bystander. He must realize what properties it needs, and strive to possess them. So, we use some more effective method, more efficient system. Warning: This is characteristic of the individual and for a specific situation. We are in no case is not a substitute and not trying to replace the core systems. Just in a certain particular case the system failed. Of course, the Core system may not give the crash. The system can be completely reconstructed and is very mobile and effectively reorganize. But while this system is much more complicated. If you give some rough comparison, then: to work efficiently at 1%, the system more complicated for 10%. However, as you guessed, the system becomes less mobile, more complex and may cause problems where they never had, and all worked well. Therefore easier to correct this 1%, so to speak, "manually". As a result of this correction runic people acquire the necessary properties to him, will be able to fulfill its global mission. And now he is or he will be able to rebuild his astral body (eliminate the influence of past life), or it can be done with a vibrating runic series ( "erase" the influence of past life). Naturally, it is necessary to identify and carefully study and compare the properties of man, which led to negative or even tragic events in his past life, and the current property rights - those properties which it requires to perform its present global problems, and those properties which he has in fact. We use the rune method, using Runic test or Runågraf. (Runic Diagnosis). Thus, we identify the influence of past life, learn the causes of past life, which resulted in the appearance of this effect, and can remove this effect by erasing.

We saw some negative or even tragic process in the past life. But perhaps the reverse pattern can also exist. A man in a past life could achieve incredible success, to reach very high altitudes, to perform incredibly complex global challenge. Assume that the conditions of a certain environment changed and a relatively simple task has become global in very global challenges. Naturally this shall not be lost. Of course, the whole mentality of the highest achievements already recorded in the matrix of the (soul) of the (new) embodiment. And, it would seem that this new (this) must give an adequate translation of a global task (a very difficult and responsible). But it can not be done. Yes, the person in the past incarnation achieved very much, but it was a phenomenal pace, and before "approval" rights in the new "status", it must once again "experience". It provides a common global problem, but his astral body will be a certain cast of the astral body of the last incarnation. That is, it gives all the methods, mechanisms, all of his achievements from the past life. He can act! A man gets an unusual chance, but he has the chance to use, ie confirm their achievements. And he should do this himself! His Global Task is usual. No one "adjusts”.... We obtain a positive influence on the past life of the concrete embodiment of man. But it may happen that at some point it starts to interfere with a positive impact. Again, changing conditions, a person is ready for a new and serious development, but a surplus of some properties, which once was for him a positive, acquires a negative connotation. This not only hinders development, "confirmation" of his former "breakthrough", but even prevents him from fulfilling its fairly simple global challenge. This is on one side. On the other hand, the impact may be too strong and extremely effective. With all the ensuing consequences. Suppose a person has become too harsh, too warlike, and too stubborn and so on. The environment rejects him. Global Task threatened. The usual global challenge can not be performed. .... And look at the start of the process! It’s a deadlock. Therefore essential runic correction and extremely thoughtful and careful approach to the situation can be applied. There should be a very thorough analysis of the situation, whether erase the past life influence or not. This shall be done after thorough analysis of all the qualities of man.

We have just seen some good effect of past life. With problems, but this influence is positive. But it should be more vigilant. We can see this influence as good, and what happened in a past life to perceive as the highest achievement. For example, a man extraordinarily developed in a past life quality of its business, the ability of new ventures. But he is caught up in irrepressible thirst for money, property, power. And then we can miss the fact that this irrepressible thirst could cause at least a terrible human tragedy. And it should already be perceived as the negative impact a past life. Be vigilant! And that’s why we do not classify and specify the events that occurred in a past life. We define and classify the influence of past life on the present life of man. And the very last event of the life we have to analyze according to all available information. Clearly, if we see a successful person who needs some correction in order to operate more efficiently – it is one situation. Yes, there were clearly positive achievements in the past. And if we see a deeply unhappy man, whose whole life complete misunderstanding, when a seemingly clear positive achievements in the past life – it is quite another. So it was not positive achievement, but serious problems caused by these achievements. And the influence of past life "highlights" do not a success, but the problem.

Organic Engram (organic damage)

Considered earlier Engram is deeply hidden in the unconscious man. They are certain points in time affect the man, driving them to one degree or another. If there are many Engrams then the person ceases to be himself and is almost completely controlled by Engram. He no longer takes off his mask. He may even be unaware of this, which often occurs in most cases. There is a hidden control.

Organic Engram governs man clearly through these or other damage to the physical body. Naturally, people did not suspect the true reason for thear illness and unsuccessfully trying to treat the organic damage. Consider the following example. A man has a big trouble at work. This man can not, either physically or morally, or psychologically solve the problem. He is "broken", "crushed", almost destroyed. Then it is not so far to a disease. A person gets sick, and the problem is solved without his participation. All ends happily. Next time he uses immediately the ready-tested scenario. Problem - disease - resolving the problem without human intervention. The man can still avoid Engram, if he finds the strength to "not hide his head in the sand" and solve a new problem without the disease, to solve it in the usual manner. But often people are on the path of "least resistance". The result – there is a new challenge and a new complication of the disease. But the second time it was just a small problem, much less ambitious than the first. The man was able to solve it. However, the temptation is great. And the man again turns to his hospital bed. And now there is a disease, ailment. Doctors are trying unsuccessfully to treat the newfound patient. But all is in vain. They probably just do not find anything. The problem was resolved, the symptoms disappeared. Ultimately, the case could end up with total disability. Here it is the solution of all problems! And there are many such examples. Here a very interesting thing can happen. Even if the doctors will be able to achieve success in the treatment of disease, you'll see some new ailment. Freud called this phenomenon "conversion". Ericson hypnosis professionals call this problem - "symptom substitution".

We must clearly see the problem. Returning to the example: the man had problems at work. Here it is - the problem. But this is not that simple. This is a consequence of the problem. This is what on the surface. And why did these problems appear? Suppose a person is not able to partnership and his sort of activity requires only that. Or it requires professional qualities, the ability to constantly start new processes. And he does not possess these qualities. And he wanted them according to its global mission. And his work is the right way. Or, conversely, it needs very different quality, and its current activities - the wrong way. Therefore, you first need to determine the true cause. It is necessary to define some of its property, which is the real cause of this. And here it is important to first hold Runic correction.

But often these injuries serve as an instrument of higher "I" for urgent cases of human exposure. This has already been said. Man is not in the way, refuses to carry out its global mission. If a person is "wrong", does not comply with certain strategic objectives, then his condition deteriorated. This is true, or his health, or the joys of life, or something else. Happiness is "running out". A man may be rich, successful, but definitely unhappy. Suffering becomes his life. It’s the method of stimulation. If the person persists, "leaves" of the strategic objectives and the subconscious mind can not do anything, it is threatened global challenge. Then the matrix of the activity (soul) begins to act harshly. It affects the human environment, the events around him. The man was rich - he loses his wealth. The man was in good health - his health was rapidly deteriorating (not feeling well, as in the case of the subconscious, specifically health). The subconscious is "encouraging" people. Matrix action justifies its name. It works. And here again one must see true cause. Which quality does "hold the" rights and does not give him to develop and follow its global mission. And besides, this property can even lead to certain global human error or even a tragedy.

For example, a man obsessed with his family, and he wants to devote his life to this. There is nothing wrong, on the contrary, all this is very much even good. But his global challenge for the intended man should do something completely different. And after he performed his task he will get the opportunity to have the family. All excellent! But as a rule, a person is not going to do it completely different. He is going to deal only with family. But. But this is not its purpose. Moreover, its basic properties will not allow him to be happy in the family and make the family happy. For example, he has an unusually developed intellect, coupled with an unusually developed ego, with full supremacy of the ego and inability to full partnership. What family can such man create? Just nominal. But he wants a completely different. It turns out otherwise, a person experiencing fear, upset, suffer, and then sick. It is very important to evaluate the properties of its global challenge its current state (runic correction) and draw the correct conclusions. For the current state and can "sit" a kind of excessive concern in a certain issue. And we need to determine the cause organic destruction, organic Engram (Runic Diagnostics). And in case of coincidence of the identified properties - everything goes into one picture.

We identified qualities and now we have to work with them. One should realize that this property is an obstacle for him on the road or even a very serious problem in life. And only then can already remove organic Engram. Then either disease (organic damage) will be held by itself, or it can easily be solved in a traditional way. Certainly, the man himself should take the most active part in eliminating the causes. D.Grinder and R.Bandler and Grinder in the book "The formation of trance" consider such diseases and provide methods of eliminating diseases by processing them into state of trance. But this is the reason the disease is not eliminated. In the book "Implementing a trance," the authors point out that this disease can be transformed from a source of problems to a sort of assistant, and do not consider it necessary to remove the cause of the disease. This is obviously wrong. We must start with the reasons. Even if the cause is irrelevant at the moment, the next moment it could again become relevant, and everything will start again. It is necessary to remove a splinter, which can become the reason of problems. If necessary, the elimination of organic Engram shall be carried with the help of vibrating runic row.

    Runic diagnosis and correction

Oleg Shaposhnikov



Aura essences and spirits



Etheric essences

Copyright © 2011     Oleg Shaposhnikov        Translated by Maria Zavjalova