Etheric essences

Damage to the energy body. Essential nature

Etheric essence - is damage of the energy body. Negative emotions, especially the long, are the most common cause of the appearance of these entities. Here we come to the understanding of emotion, to issues relating to the so-called emotional body.

Emotional body

Physical body. Etheric body. Emotional body. About the emotional body, we did not speak it. Emotional body. What is it and why is this discrepancy? Yes, in some views, the emotional body has the status of the body. It's called - the emotional body. First, answer the question - what are emotions? Abandon the familiar and traditional attitudes on this issue and try to see the true cause of things.

What are emotions? Emotion - this is our attitude to the fact one. Here's something. This is something affects us. As a result of this action, we begin to response, which is expressed, including, in the form of a certain emotion. All right. And what if this is something with no effect on us? But we have seen, or heard, or felt that something, and.... We have emotions. And what if that is something generally not there with us? This is something we can never perceive. That something can even not exist as a fact.... And we thought about it or invented it! So that's it. We thought.... Ie it can be even not a fact but a concept. They can just go about a certain concept. Thinking process about this concept starts (as imagined, and having a place to be a reality in the form of fact), and this process leads to the emergence of emotion. And how do you feel about the process number 485, what is happening in the medium number 379? Yes we can ask our self this question, or try to think about it - we have no emotions arise. We just do not know anything about this process or about the environment. Therefore, to have emotions, we must have some knowledge about it. We must be informed. This is on one side. On the other hand, this should worry us. What a concept - "worry"? This is a critical issue. We are concerned about something, if a mental process of this thing takes place in the mental body is consistent with the chakra, which is our point of assembly. In short, we are concerned about something which is where we are. As they say – “look in the book, and seeing nothing”, well or something more desirable and pleasant....

But we know that the thought process in the mental body, which corresponds to the chakra, which is the point assembly, ensures the formation of the astral body. Correct. Ie relevant emotion arises when there is a formation of the astral body. The formation of the astral body causes emotions. And the emotional body - it was visible (with certain skills) the process of formation of the astral body (the aggregate of the astral body, composed of seven astral bodies). It is clear that, depending on what the astral body is formed, then there are those or other emotions. Thus, the emotion - it is the reaction (in fact it is our feeling on this issue) on the formation of the astral body. We can see that formed our physical body, but can not see how our astral body is formed. Emotions allow us some way to understand this process, and at a certain development to manage it. For emotions are pleasant and emotions are not pleasant.... This is the work of the subconscious. The matrix of activity (the soul) controls the formation of the astral body and through the subconscious informs us - we are on the right path or not. If all is well - we have pleasant (positive) emotions. Something is very wrong - we are not pleasant (negative) emotions.

All this seems fairly straightforward. But there is some nuance. The fact that the astral body - is what we represent is at the moment. This is what we "have worked out" over the past period of our lives. And naturally, this has feedback and can influence our attitude. This is what defines our specific interests (not to be confused with the habits, for which the subconscious mind). And on the interests of stimulating thought processes in a certain direction. Now suppose that we generate some "correct" thinking (in terms of the matrix), we form the right (in terms of the matrix) the astral body, but something wrong.... We think correctly, but.... We do not find response on them within ourselves. It looks strange, we do not understand the thoughts, and they are not something primordial, native.... Yes. Fertile seeds are falling in unprepared soil. Or rather let’s call it a "bad soil, weedy soil”. After all, earlier this astral body is formed with the help of other thoughts. One contradicts the other. This astral body belongs to another attitude, a different philosophy. What? We'll have to rebuild philosophy, rebuild the astral body. This is difficult and energy intensive process. But necessary. And the more we “go" in the wrong direction, the greater work we must perform. Everything goes by itself, will be in order.... No nothing will get in order itself. I've lost official money in the casino. I realized my mistake, return them to me, please. Funny? But this is our usual philosophy. We can not just change everything easily. We can not just rearrange the astral body, to make it right and not hurt us to follow the correct path, but on the contrary, help us. No. Previous errors prevent the positive processes, which naturally affects our emotions. And we think we do not follow the right path, and go somewhere in the wrong way. That is why is not so simple. This is a very complicated process.

Thus, emotions. In fact, there goes powerful generation of energy. And, as stated above: This energy can be spent on the formation of the astral body, in its correct form (and thus we feel positive emotions). Or malformation of the astral body (and thus we feel negative emotions). Or simply serve as a kind of "astral lights" ("shaking of the air", or, to put it right - shaking of the astral plane). In the latter case, nothing is formed, but is simply wasting of energy. Naturally, in the first case we are in good way.

Consider the option of irrational energy wasting. OK: waste and waste. What's so terrible? But the fact is that not all so simple. Energy is always in demand. And if it goes unchecked (say so) the release, then there will always be its consumer. Parasite, someone, who will live at the expense of the person. And the more the uncontrolled flow of energy, the stronger will be the parasite ("fattening him up"), or they may be several. And do not think that when people stop the uncontrolled release of energy, the parasite is gone. Nope.

Suppose a person adheres to certain strict moral standards and is very conservative sexually. And he leads a life not under duress, but according to his needs and principles. Ie his point of assembly is clearly not in Svadhishthana-chakra. But he is very sexual and in secret from others likes to enjoy watching pornography. Playing of the Ego. So, at the time of secret (or maybe not so covert) occupation such a person wastes enormous amounts of energy. It is not "digested" his astral body and.... And he begins to represent is a kind of "milk cow". With its permanent and regular employment of "favorite thing" already appears a constant consumer of its energy, and then the consumer is already becoming an integral part of such a person. An etheric essence appears. There could appear and some other entity, such as aura entity, but here the soul simply will not allow her to appear - no need to. Therefore, it is something that is created and formed "inside" man, in his etheric body. The parasite is "sitting" in the etheric body and consumes energy.

We now turn to the option malformation of the astral body, accompanied by negative emotions. The fact is that in this case, the improper formation of the astral body consumes only part of the energy. The soul allows only certain malformation, which does not lead to catastrophic consequences. And the remaining energy is not absorbed again. And it is accompanied by negative emotions. But once there is undigested energy.... For example a person really wants to be rich, have a lot of money. He just dreams of it. But actually, his point of assembly is Svadhishthana-chakra. All this wealth and the money he needed to meet the sexual and other carnal desire. Therefore, the development of the astral body of the Manipur Chakra does not happen. And he does not receive any money and wealth too. He just suffers and suffers and wastes energy, attracts a parasite - the etheric essence, and then feeds this parasite. Just the same imagine somebody with point of assembly in the Anahata-chakra. A man is in love, and needs wealth, the money to win a beloved one, or to provide for his family. All the same....

Suppose a person stops uncontrolled energy wasting. But the parasite already exists and he has to eat. He needs the energy. And then the motion of energy flows on the energy channels is undergoing significant changes. This energy flows are losing part of its energy, which feeds the etheric parasite. Ethereal essence is "embedded" in the energy channel. At some point in time (when the entity needs the energy), it "closes" channel and "takes" moving through the channel energy. When the essence consumed energy, it "opens" the channel. At this time, it is difficult to detect by conventional methods. Conventional methods can work when it "blocked" channel and the person feels considerable distress.

The stronger the essence, the more energy it needs. Especially for a long time the channel is not working. And the greater harm is caused to the human body, causing considerable discomfort. If there are a lot of such entities, they can completely paralyze the functioning of etheric body that can lead to very dangerous consequences.

Another option is that this entity can stimulate the same thoughts, the same emotions. A person again begins to generate energy to power the essence and the essence is not taking his vital energy. Hooray! The man felt better, "recovered". And he gets accustomed to these thoughts, these emotions. He has already become another. MASK. This is the end. End of development.

As we can see - absolutely out of nothing arises such a problem! But not “in the spare place”. There are some property, which are currently (or in general) "not fit" in the global mission of a person. Man "keeps this property under control" and not having a more difficult problem, but since this property is "alive and active, then there is the problem. Therefore it is necessary to identify this property and people should realize the situation and stop "cherish" this property. The person should start working on himself. Or it concerns the properties on which a person has a deficit. And here it is very important to first hold Runic Correction.

To reveal the etheric essence, we use the rune method, using Runic test or Runågraf. (Runic Diagnosis). Freedom from etheric essence is performed by vibration runic resies.

    Runic diagnosis and correction

Oleg Shaposhnikov



Aura essences and spirits



Etheric essences

Copyright © 2011     Oleg Shaposhnikov        Translated by Maria Zavjalova