Man and his Predestination


So, a man in his endless cycle of incarnations is born, lives, dies, is cleared, awaiting for incarnation and re-born. But there is a certain problem. The process of purification can be extremely slow. And, significantly. And it can affect a very large part of people (if not most people). Bindings of earthly life begin to interfere with God's design. The process of "turnover" of the matrix starts to slip. We need a mechanism to curb the emotions and passions, which may excessively leap and become a real retard. But emotions and passions can not be excluded. Creativity derives inspiration from them. Religion is such a mechanism, a mechanism to curb the passions. In this approach, you can understand the points that were previously hidden under a thick cloak of secrecy.

The first moment. Instead of a clear and precise mechanism there is a variety of religions, often with a completely different approach to solving problems. But there is no wonder here. On the one hand, the monopoly of one exercise (of religion) is harmful to the Movement. It may be (and it occurs) the crisis of religion (that you can know from history - one religion ceases to exist and another takes the place, etc.), and the movement will have no mechanism to ensure the desired rate of "turnover" of the matrix. Religion can not be forever, forever is only Eternity and its creative essence - God, realizing Movement. Therefore, the time comes and religion goes to the past. This is because the very essence of the teachings comes into conflict with the existing situation. Another religion comes to replace the existing religion. If we have several religions, operating simultaneously, the decline of one of them and replace it with another religion is not a global crisis. On the other hand there are significant differences in life, mentality, psychology and social systems of different nations and races. Can somebody create one thing that will take into account all the features all the differences? Maybe it is possible, but it will be superficial and short-lived doctrine. This will be particularity which there is no sense to talk about.

The second moment. Every religion is built around Someone. In Islam - this prophet Muhammad (Allah - this is one of the names of God). In Christianity, - it is Jesus Christ, the Son of God (correct to say the prophet, as is reflected in Islam). In Judaism - the prophet Moses (Yahweh - another name for God). In Buddhism - the Buddha, as the earthly incarnation (the projection of God). In paganism - Odine, as a projection of God, endowed with personality. In Zoroastrianism - Prophet Zoroaster. And so on. For it is God who has no identity and there is everything, and it is a projection, which has a personality (recognizability), and therefore understandable to man. And in certain circumstances, in certain situations and there is such a projection. Moreover, this projection may not only be a projection in the form of God, (God is Odine, for example), but also as a man (Divine Person). Here or, again, in certain circumstances, a deity is infused into a living person (there is a prophet), or the human person, as a kind of embodiment of an incredibly sophisticated and developed a matrix of action reaches its highest development. In the second case, the essence of the Divine Person that in the above embodiment of such an individual the chain of Soul - The subconscious mind - Consciousness is transformed into a triangle. Soul and Consciousness receive a direct link. Information from the matrix of action (soul) becomes available to consciousness. Consciousness directly receives information from the matrix of action. Consciousness can "see" God. Consciousness has access to divine revelation, to knowledge. This is process of "phenomena" of God. For this consciousness must be unusually developed. Otherwise, it simply does not bear the load of information. That is such a person and is called "messenger of God." Divine Person serves as a preacher, author of a certain doctrine, which later becomes a religion. The essence of every religion is simple - to help a person to undertake a process of purification in a shorter time.

The third Moment. Repeat advent of the Divine Personality. It is impossible. For it would be contrary to the Movement. Divine Personality appeared in a strictly defined time and did the job. It gave the knowledge that was needed at that moment. But since then much has changed. Movement is constant and infinite. And past knowledge at this moment moment is no longer optimal. There is a need of new knowledge. Only perpetual motion and eternity are for ever.

Moment the fourth. At some point, religion can turn from means of purification, or even from a means of salvation, into some public institutions that serve entirely different purposes. This is society, this is politics, this is business, this and many other aspects of society. The result is a correction of religion, no longer it serves to a man, and man serves it. It creates a monster that becomes not a means to facilitate the movement, but a brake, the brake, which should be eliminated.

    Runic diagnosis and correction

Oleg Shaposhnikov

Man and his Predestination

Matrix of Action
Good and Evil
Perpetual motion
Multitude of Systems
Global Objective

Copyright © 2010     Oleg Shaposhnikov        Translated by Maria Zavjalova